Special Products
We have more…
…than just bricks in our range
On this page …
Shaped Bricks
and special formats
However, it is not just building corners where the use of shaped bricks may be useful. In some cases, it is also necessary to use shaped bricks for a certain ornamentation.
In particular, in the preservation of historical monuments and often with old churches, special shaped bricks were used as a design element for window and door arches. Reproducing these is a major challenge.

We specialize in the production of special chimney bricks. Feel free to contact us.

we present:
Clay bricks

A clay brick is a natural building block without additives for health-conscious construction. Clay bricks ensure a good indoor climate.
The bricks are used for drywall construction and half-timbered renovation.
In wooden houses, clay brick walls are used as thermal storage. They act as “moisture-balancing turbo absorbers”.
An additional plus point: They have a very good CO2 balance.
Natural building material without additives
for garden
and path design
Brick remnants
with various uses, e.g., for non-trafficable floor covering.
Before processing, you should be clear about the use of the surface. Depending on the use, the subfloor of the floor covering area must be adapted.
You can find an overview of currently available brick stones in our online shop.
Bulk material &
Gabion filling
…through upcycling of cut-offs, breakage, and filling material